Dec 19, 2017
Introducing History is Gay, a new podcast where your hosts Gretchen & Leigh examine the overlooked and underappreciated queer ladies, gents, and gentle-enbies from the unexplored corners of history. Whether shining a light on queer pirate adventures, emo lesbian Sappho, or your other faves from the pages of textbooks you never knew were queer, it’s time to bring our stories out of the shadows. Because history has never been as straight as you think.
Get at us on twitter @historyisgaypod, tumblr at historyisgaypodcast, and subscribe to the show, launching January 1! New episodes every other week.
0:00 – Introduction
0:50 – What are we doing and why?
4:19 – Discussion of sources, historical context, and projected schedule
6:50 – Sneak peek of Episode 1: “Were Some Pirates Poofters?”
9:10 – Where to find us online