Oct 15, 2018
In honor of his 164th birthday, Leigh and Gretchen talk about the life and times of Oscar Wilde with special guest K. W. Moore from the blog “A Scholar of No Importance.” Wilde’s unwillingness to conform to Victorian sensibilities regarding keeping his private life private and the famous trials that resulted from it changed the shape of Western discussions of sexuality thereafter. His writing, too has left its mark both on the world, and on all three of our hosts this episode. So come join us as we pay homage to the Wilde man himself, the man who sought to live up to his blue china and worried he might fall short.
0:00 – Introduction
5:30 – Socio-Historical Context: 19th Century England, Male-Male
Intimacy, and the Criminal Amendment Act of 1885
15:11 – Who were They/Why Do We Think They’re Gay: The Early Life,
Loves, and Scandals of Oscar Wilde
20:50 – Fun Segment: Word of the Week
41:03 - 43:17 – Content Warning for mentions of child abuse &
46:45- 51:12– Content Warning: Discussion regarding ephebophilia
and pederasty
51:12 – The Three Trials of Oscar Wilde, Exile, and Death
1:20:19 – Fun Segment: Pop Culture Tie-In
1:25:47 – How Gay were They?
1:28:04– Closing and Where to Find us Online
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