Jan 15, 2018
In this episode, your hosts Gretchen and Leigh continue to examine the overlooked and underappreciated queer ladies, gents, and gentle-enbies in the unexplored corners of history by traveling to the cloisters of Medieval Europe. They’ll uncover unique views of sex and sexuality that made the practice of ‘brother making’ possible both within and outside the monastic community but also made it hard for medieval theologians to understand sex between women. Come slake your thirst for queer poems and love letters because guess what? There are lots of monks and nuns with a strong desire for “special friendship” with each other. Notables include: Alcuin, Two Bavarian Nuns, St. Anselm of Canterbury, Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz, Baudri of Bourgeuil, Aelred of Rievaulx, Benedetta Carlini, and many more!
0:00 – Introduction
1:31 – Word of the Week: Adelphopoiesis and
– What do you mean they’re not straight?
6:40 – Social
Context: Medieval Views of Sex & Sodomy
10:15 – Social
Context: Sex Between Women in the Middle Ages
26:00 – Social
Context: Escaping Heteronormativity through
– Homoeroticism Among Female Mystics
40:40 – The Lives and Love Letters/Poems
of Gay Monks and Lesbian Nuns
1:10:00-1:19:21 –
CONTENT WARNING for discussions of sexual
1:23:17 – How gay were they?
1:26:40 – Where to find us online
Special Links: Humon's Tumblr comic about monastic views of sex and sexuality
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