Feb 11, 2019
February means love and Black
History, so join Gretchen and Leigh as they celebrate both by
diving into into the life and work of civil rights activist Bayard
Rustin! Due to his being gay, Rustin’s role as advisor to Martin
Luther King, Jr. and in organizing the 1963 March on Washington was
actively erased for several decades. Fortunately, he’s been gaining
more recognition in recent years and both queer history and civil
rights history is actively recovering his memory and legacy. So
join us as we talk about one of the most impactful but least
well-known activists of the civil rights movement.
– Introduction
– Main Topic: Bayard Rustin, the Man Behind the
5:23– Socio-Historical
12:00 – Who were they? Bio Time.
1:05:17 – Why do we think they're
1:23:17 – Fun Segment: Pop Culture
– How Gay were They?
1:29:20 – Closing and Where to Find us
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