Mar 5, 2018
In this very special episode,
hosts Leigh & Gretchen travel to the red carpet and the silver
screen to hear stories about queer actors from the golden age of
Hollywood. Along for the ride is a room full of queer people who
came to listen to the podcast being recorded live at
TGIFemslash, a convention dedicated to the queer ladies of
media, the ladies who love them, and the fans who love them. Join
us and a room full of big gay nerds as we discuss the early years
of film, the sexploits of the rich and famous, and other favorite
queermos from history!
- Pre-show announcements
2:25 – Introduction
4:44 – Game: Silver Screen Sexploits
10:54 – Word of the Week: Lavender Marriages
12:54 – More Stars of a Bi Gone Era: Why Do We Think They're Gay?
17:15 – How Gay Were They?
22:20 – Group Discussion: Favorite Queermos from History
45:15 – Closing and Where to Find us Online
Find our full list of sources and bonus content at Get at us on twitter @historyisgaypod, tumblr at historyisgaypodcast, and subscribe wherever you get your podcasts! Don't forget to rate and review so more folks can see the show!
For awesome nerdy queer merch like buttons, shirts, necklaces, and other fantastic things to deck your femslash-loving self out in, please check out our amazing friend’s shop mentioned in the show, Glorious Weirdo! They make stuff for nerds, fangirls, feminists, queers, geeks & other cool people. Their designs celebrate the things we love, and we hope you'll love them too.