Mar 17, 2020
Welcome to Gretchen and Leigh’s annual episode hosted live at TGIFemslash! This is the con where it all began, and what better way to celebrate our origins than with the ‘first modern lesbian’, Anne Lister! Join us as we learn more about her life, her loves, and her extensive diaries that she used to record her sexual escapades, and you can even play along with the games we hosted live at TGI!
0:00 – Introduction
6:11 – Main Topic: Anne Lister
6:37 – Who were they? Bio Time
12:43 – Why do we think they're gay?
25:37 – Fun Segment: Dialogue or Diary?
31:39 – Words of the Week: So You Want to Be a 19th Century
45:39 – How Gay were They?
46:26 – Closing
And as a bonus, check out the super gorgeous and hilarious Sappho Shitpost Generator created by two of our listeners, Annie J. and Laura Galm! Head over to for the fun, and share your favorite results with us on twitter using the hashtag #SapphoShitposts!
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